Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Good morning!
Another little neighborhood boy greeted Tanner and me as we started our block walk this morning. Donovan, who is showing signs of growing up having lost his two top front teeth, was exiting his mother’s car on his way to the open door where his grandfather waited. As we approached I asked Tanner, “Do you want to say ‘Good morning’ to your friend Donovan?” The sweetness that followed from Donovan nearly undid me. He said, “I dreamed he did good without that thing,” referring of course, to Tanner’s cart. It made my heart sing and now nearly two hours later, my heart is still singing…and I don’t think that singing is going to cease soon. In this neighborhood how blessed we are with such reminders of loving hearts.

Happy Day All!
Withs PAWS for Thankfullness
Marilyn Sue, John and Tanner



Hi Guys,

It is with some sadness on my part and much much happiness for Marilyn and John and Tanner M., I announce Texas will soon have a new list member. Like we need more Texans on this list. LOL His name? Maxwell...my Max.

Some of you may have seen Marilyn's message last week inquiring about a puppy for Tanner to play with. We have talked by mail and by phone almost constantly since. Her hope was that if Tanner had a playmate he might try harder to use his legs. She also inquired about an older dog. I was concerned about a puppy for Tanner as the stress might be too great. Before I really knew what I was doing I was telling her about my Max. He is such a great dog. After some serious soul searching on my part I decided to let the Moore's adopt Max. He is very bright, not overbearing, very much a velcro dog. We are hoping Max's great temperment will provide just the right stimus for Tanner. My Max will be a therapy dog!!!

Sooooo....the Tanner's are providing a playmate for Tanner. Neat huh. So many things make this decision the right one. Max and Tanner were born only a week apart. Marilyn and John have already fallen totally in love with Max by long distance of course. I have discussed his temperment and his sometimes sassy behavior expecially when he is training his humans to his likes and dislikes. LOL

Marilyn also expressed sadness that John didn't have a lap buddy as she is the one who Tanner looks to for his needs. Well Max loves men.....and John will suffer no longer. Max is equally confortable with men or women. My husband is always saying Max is your dog. I say he's my husband's dog. Max has the ability to make sure everyone thinks that. He loves everybody.

Marilyn is busting at seams for me to tell all of you. I don't think she can hold it in much longer. I'll let her take over from here. They will be making the long trip to Louisiana next week to take their new "baby" home. This is the pic I sent Marilyn and John. John wanted to leave the very next morning for Louisiana......but I ask them please give me a few days to say my good-byes to My Max. I have been so happy for Max until now.....but I am in tears now that I know he will really be leaving me. But he will have such great new parents and he will be on a new mission......helping Tanner.



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